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Photographing wildlife holds a special place in my heart. As such, I seek out opportunities for it wherever I find myself.
Walrus Swimming around One AnotherSplashup by a Dall's PorpoisePorcupineCrabeater Seals BondingAlbatross in the Drake PassageSleepyseal Baby Ringed Seal SleepingArctic Fox in East GreenlandDivenamic Duo Pair of Humpback WhalesDragonfly Perching on GrassWater Snake SwimmingYellowhammer on GorseMorning Stretch by a Guillemot

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:albatross, arctic fox, bird, crabeater seal, dall's porpoise, dragonfly, flowers, fox, grass, guillemot, humpback, iceberg, porcupine, porpoise, seal, sleeping, snake, snow, walrus, water, water snake, whale, yellow